R05Basic.htmlTEXTMOSS"¥Ûê¥ÛêÅÅz… Rumpus 1.3 - User's Guide: Basic Configuration

Rumpus 1.3 User's Guide

Basic Configuration

To launch Rumpus, double-click on the Rumpus application icon, at which time the Monitor Window will appear. All configuration of Rumpus is performed through the Configuration window, which is accessed by either choosing "Configuration..." from the "File" menu, or by pressing Command-K. The configuration dialog box that appears, shown in Figure 1, has several tabs on it that gives you access to all of the setup options available.

Any changes to the server's configuration will take effect as soon as you click the "Apply" button in the Configuration window or click "OK".

Figure 1: The Basic tab of the Rumpus Configuration window.

Edit the following fields to configure the basic elements of your FTP server.

Port Number

The default port used for FTP services is 21, but you may change this if necessary. For example, you may want to run Rumpus on a non-standard port as a security measure or so that anonymous FTP users can't establish a connection.

However, you can't use any port number you wish. The general practice is that port numbers 1 through 1024 are reserved or privileged and should not be used as alternatives to the default port. Instead, the accepted practice is to add a zero to the default port, then add one. For example, you've probably seen the nonstandard port of 8001 used by some Web servers, even though the default port is 80. For FTP servers, try using 2101 for the first FTP server using a nonstandard port, then 2102, 2103, etc.

You may have multiple FTP servers running on your Mac, but only one copy of Rumpus can be used at a time. To access Rumpus using a nonstandard port, users will need to enter the domain name or IP number of the server followed by a space, followed by the new port number. Figure 2 shows a Fetch session configured to access the fictitious server named ftp.rumpus.com using the port 2101.

Figure 2: A Fetch session set to access Rumpus using a nonstandard port.

Your users will need to know the nonstandard port number and how to configure an FTP client in order to access Rumpus configured with a nonstandard port, so use it wisely. In general, unless you have a specific need to use a non-standard port, we strongly recommend that the default port of 21 be used.

NOTE:When you change the port number, the server resets itself and ALL connected users will be immediately disconnected.

Maximum Simultaneous Connections

Rumpus can have a maximum of 32 simultaneous connections, which is defined as the number of anonymous users plus the number of registered users. Configure this setting to a number that your Mac is realistically capable of supporting. High-end PowerMacs running Open Transport are capable of supporting many more simultaneous connections than slower Macs using MacTCP. However, if your FTP server is also providing other services such as Web and AppleShare, reduce the number of simultaneous connections to a level that won't interfere with your server's resources. If you are using MacTCP, note that each FTP session will occupy two of your server's available TCP/IP connections, using one thread for control and another for data. MacTCP is limited to 64 simultaneous connections, so be sure that the total number of maximum connections for all TCP/IP applications running on your Mac is less than 64.

NOTE:When you change the number of maximum simultaneous connections, the server resets itself and ALL connected users will be immediately disconnected.

Inactivity Time-Out

Since FTP connections can remain open even when they are idle, the ability to disconnect inactive clients is an essential element of an FTP server. Specify any setting that makes sense for the maximum amount of time for a client to be inactive when attached to your server. For an extremely busy site where users should be uploading or downloading one or a few files, the timeout can be set to a relatively low value. If, on the other hand, there are a relatively small number of users who are accessing the FTP server to add or update files for a Web site, it makes more sense to set a relatively long timeout period so that users do not have to frequently reconnect. You may select a value from 2 minutes to one week, or never.

FTP Folder

By default, a folder entitled "FTP Files" is created by Rumpus in the same folder as Rumpus when it is first launched. This folder becomes the FTP "root" folder for all users when they connect. To set the root to another folder, click the "FTP Folder" button and choose the folder or volume that you want to make available via FTP.

Timeout Settings

Connection timeout values can be adjusted to suit your networking environment. Timeouts that can be set include the time permitted to open new connections, send a single packet of data, receive a single packet of data, and close the connection. Connection open and close operations must be performed completely within the defined time period, or Rumpus will terminate the connection. For send and receive operations, the timeout specifies the maximum amount of time allowed for a single TCP/IP packet to be sent or received. It is important to note that file transfers, especially large file transfers, may take substantially longer than the timeout setting indicates. Transfers will continue without timing out as long as individual packets are transferred at least once within the timeout period specified. All of the timeout values default to 60 seconds.

Allow File Aliases

The first item in the "Options" group is the option to allow the server to serve aliased files. Aliased folders are always resolved, secured, and served as you would expect, based on the folder's Users & Groups settings. However, an alias that leads directly to a file (not to a folder or volume) will not be served unless this option is selected. When checked, aliased files will be served, with authentication provided by the folder in which the alias resides. This is different from how File Sharing and AppleShare secure file aliases, and may pose a security risk if you aren't aware of this issue. To completely close the security risk, simply uncheck this option, disallowing access to files that are aliased. If you need to serve files directly by alias, leave this option on, but be aware that the security will be governed by the folder the alias is in, NOT the folder the actual file resides in.

Note that aliases are supported in Rumpus mainly so that you can provide access to any folder or volume, and aliasing a single file is fairly uncommon. Also, if there is a remote file that you must put in your FTP hierarchy, it is very easy to simply make a copy of the file and place it within your FTP folder structure.

Hide Message Files

This option allows you to suppress folder message filenames in directory listings. When this option is checked, directory listings sent to the client will not include a line for the folder's message file.

Include Aliased Folder Sizes

This checkbox controls how the size of folders are computed when restricting users to a fixed amount of disk space. When checked, the size of aliased folders is included in each user's disk space allocation.

Disable Repeat Failures

When checked, this option will disable user accounts after a succession of 4 failed login attempts. When a user attempts to log in to the FTP server with a valid username but an incorrect password, they are, of course, rejected. If such a login failure occurs 4 times in succession, the user account will be disabled. To re-enable the account, the server administrator must re-check the "Permit Login" security setting for the disabled account using either the Web-based administration of Mac OS interface. Note that if fewer than 4 login failures occur, and then the user successfully logs in, the "failed counter" is reset to 0.

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